Modular Smart Solid Wingsail
CE 129-Senior Design
The purpose of this project is to prototype a modular autonomous solid wing-sail unit to be used as a primary or assistive propulsion system for autonomous aquatic vessels. Because of the much lower energy costs of the wing-sail to produce propulsion compared to conventional gas and electric motors, the wing-sail will allow autonomous aquatic vessels to undergo much longer or even indefinite oceanic surveying missions with no need to refuel or recharge. The wing-sail, like a conventional cloth sail, will be used to propel a sailing vessel, but unlike a cloth sail the wing-sail can be controlled with much less effort, allowing for a more robust and more precise propulsion system. Beyond its initial intended use, a modular wind driven propulsion unit such as this would have a myriad of other applications ranging from fuel use reduction in assistive propulsion for trans-oceanic transit as well as small vessel recreational use. The progress of this project up to the end of Winter 15 quarter is documented in the attached report.