2024 Winner: Equipped with a Cre-Dependent CRISPR-CAS9 System to Investigate Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Bengalese Finch Models

Project Information
Equipped with a Cre-Dependent CRISPR-CAS9 System to Investigate Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Bengalese Finch Models
Physical and Biological Sciences
MCD Biology Department - Colquitt Lab
The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma (PPARγ) transcription factor is a major contributor to antioxidant defense, inducing expression of neuroprotective factors that suppress proinflammatory genes and stimulate antibiotic enzymes. A mutation in this gene could disrupt antioxidant defense mechanisms, causing amplification of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and consequential cell death. If this genetic manipulation were to occur in neurons, or more specifically, motor neuron pathways, the occurrence of cell death would have the capacity to lead to the progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) – a motor neuron degenerative disease.

With ALS causal effects still being investigated, we intend to contribute to this research focus through a genetic engineering research project. This project aims to induce the disease through genetic manipulation, revealing subsequent effects on endogenous molecular pathways and unraveling distinct mechanisms driving this incurable Neurological disease. Hidden in the specificities of these mechanisms could be a promising approach to target these diseases therapeutically. To fulfill this research goal, the Colquitt Lab at the University of California, Santa Cruz has constructed a Cre-Dependent CRISPR-CAS9 system targeting the first and second exons on the PPARγ gene. This plasmid vector is intended to be made readily available for AAV production at any time, allowing for cerebral injection in Bengalese Finch songbirds.
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  • Alekhya Meduri (Crown)