2020 Winner: A Chandra X-Ray Follow-Up To The Dark Energy Survey Year 3 redMaPPer Catalog

Project Information
A Chandra X-Ray Follow-Up To The Dark Energy Survey Year 3 redMaPPer Catalog
Physical and Biological Sciences
Physics (Astrophysics)
Observations of galaxy clusters can provide constraints on the dark energy equation of state, since the cluster mass function is dependent on the amount of dark energy in the universe. While cluster mass is not observable directly, it can be related to various observables such as richness, which is similar to the number density of galaxies. We find the scaling relations between the richness observable in optical and two lower-scatter X-ray observables, X-ray luminosity and temperature. We find scaling relations and intrinsic scatter distributions for richness from the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Data Release (DES Y3) redMaPPer cluster catalog with corresponding X-ray temperatures and luminosities from archival Chandra images using the MATCha pipeline as introduced in (Hollowood et al, 2019). We investigate offsets between X-ray and optical cluster centers in DES Y3 in order to correct for cluster mis-centering. In addition, we detail upgrades to the MATCha pipeline for increasing the depth of interpretable X-ray data and future core-cropped cluster analysis.
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  • Lena Sofia Eiger (Nine)