Pure Potential
Feminist Studies
Pure Potential offers a cross-analysis of Chilean Artist Cecilia Vicuña's interdisciplinary art practice and Gloria Anzaldua's borderland theory. Vicuña’s corporeal gestures endlessly explore language as material as well as the language of materials to navigate the in-between spaces separated by both physical and mental manifestations of borders. My research paper was also in conversation with a final art project inspired by my research.
For my final visual component, I have created a sculptural book titled Crying Circle inspired by my research. Crying Circle is in part: a collection of objects, memories, people, space, and fragments of performances. It is about being born, the weight of existence, grief, and everything that means anything- a diary of sorts. The book enables a tender union of object and body and body and object. Crying Circle begins and ends in the same place in-between: you and me. The projects offer an alternative form of research making a more raw and tactile form of knowledge production.