2016 Winner: SlugLife

Project Information
CMPS 115, CMPS 116, CMPS 117
The school provides a lot of services for its students in order to make students’ lives easier and productive. For example, UCSC has a very active and efficient transportation system to make it easier for its students and other community members to get around the vast campus. Also, UCSC encourages students to get involved in campus activities, which results in lots of events happening near or on campus. The school’s five on-campus dining halls provide students a variety of food options with dinner menus changing daily. As a result, there are lots of moving parts at UCSC and keeping track of all of them may be a difficult task for students that are also juggling coursework for various classes.

SlugLife is a mobile application for Android and iOS devices designed to organize UCSC’s transportation, events, and dining information so that students and other UCSC community member can be informed and discover what’s happening on and around campus in real-time. This application aims to build a unified college community by connecting and actively engaging the students.
PDF icon 867.pdf
  • Michael Young (Ten)
  • Ahmadullah Tokhi (Eight)
  • Ivan Alvarado (Eight)
  • Jose Luis Guzman (Merrill)
  • Raquel Julie Abrams (Cowell)