2014 Winner: Midnight Warrior

Project Information
Midnight Warrior
Film 175 - Documentary Film Workshop
"Midnight Warrior" is a documentary focused on relationships and connections with spaces. It explores the way people manage the memory of actions or events that occurred within those spaces, and it also hones in on the emotional responses manifested when within those locations. With the testimonial of a night laboring janitorial worker, the project plays with the ubiquity of time. As she shares her personal history with the research center, the subject allows the audience to experience the past events while remaining in the present.

My goal in creating this piece was to look beyond economic need and present a psychological view on the purposes behind a worker's desire to remain with their positions. My choice in focusing on a janitorial worker stemmed from my family's relationship and history with that type of labor. I wanted to use a job that most would consider dirty and document why my subject chooses to stay.
  • Alex Santana (Porter)