2014 Winner: Random With A Purpose XXII

Project Information
Random With A Purpose XXII
Theater Arts Department of Dance
Random With A Purpose is a student run, student choreographed, performed, and directed dance showcase. THEA 139- RWAP is offered during Winter quarter through the UCSC Theater Arts Department. In a short five weeks, students completely collect and create a performance that is truly spectacular, this year having sold out shows for all seven nights. Student Directors choose the choreographers and organize an artistic vision for the entire production, meeting with the Theater Arts Production Committee weekly to ensure tracking. This 5 unit course demands dedication and outside rehearsals with a final multiple week performance. Random With A Purpose is the best dance production at UCSC and has continued to be for the last 22 years due to passionate and devoted students.
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  • Amelia Rae Nommensen (Porter)
  • JJ Hersh (Merrill)
  • Amanda Linn Newsum (Crown)